Dormant Accounts
Limited Company dormant accounts
If you own a non-trading Limited Company and need to file its accounts we can help!
Dormant Ltd accounts
for only £37
Even if you haven't traded with your Limited Company, you must still file a set of accounts on time or get fined.
Dormant companies that fail to file their accounts will be struck off the register, so it's essential this is completed on time every year.
How it works
- Contact us on 0117 950 2667 or email us at enquiries@duport.co.uk and we'll send you your pack
- Fill out the details and send them to us
- We'll submit your DCA form and email confirmation.
Popular FAQs
Still have questions? Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people ask about Duport.
Company registration is the process you need to go through to officially set up a business. For Limited Companies, Non-Profits, LLPs and Charities, this is done through Companies House.
For Sole Traders, registration is done through HMRC.
The process is slightly different based on your structure, but Duport have a comprehensive service for each business type, so you can be confident your registration goes smoothly.
The best business structure depends on your own unique circumstances, and can change depending on a huge number of things, from how many people will be running the business, to whether you’ll be taking a salary.
If you’re not sure what structure is right for you, our Quiz can make it all clear!
Just answer a few easy questions, and we can help you decide which business structure is going to be right for you - as well as the best package of services to suit your needs.
You’ll even get a free Start-Up Report that explains each recommendation, and why it will work best for you.
The Start-Up Report is a full breakdown of your business needs, to help you decide what company structure and services will work best for you.
This Report helps you decide whether you should be a Sole Trader or Limited Company, whether you should register for VAT, if it’s worth getting a Registered Office Address service and much, much more.
While the vast majority of our customers find it quick, easy and efficient to set up online, we appreciate it can feel daunting.
If you’d rather talk to one of our expert advisors instead, please just give us a call on 0117 950 266. We’re available Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Duport are a small business dedicated to helping other small businesses! We’ve been registering Sole Traders and Limited Companies for over 20 years, helping our customers start up and grow.
You can read more on our About Us page.
Need some help?
If you need a little advice on the best options for you, or have a question that's not in our FAQ, Duport's expert team are here to help. Give us a call during office hours or email us any time and we'll help you out.
Mon to Fri 09:00-17:00
0117 950 2667Email any time