Non Geographic Numbers or NGNs sit on top of one or more geographical numbers such as 0207 or 0117 for example. When an NGN is rung it is translated to another number such as 0207 or a mobile. Having an NGN is usually free but it’s like having a car number plate, special numbers such as 0845 0000000 you would pay for. Depending on the number you may have to pay for calls or even receive income when people call it.
There are quite a few; 03, 05, 0800, 0845, 0844, 0870, 0871, 09
Why would I want a non-geographic number?
- An NGN can be yours for as long as you want it so if you put it on your stationary and move you won’t have to reprint as you can change the number(s) that it translates to.
- You can use it to re-route calls to one or more numbers.
- It can be used with a centralised auto attendant to reroute calls according to menu options presented to the caller.
- It can route to numbers depending on the area a caller is calling from.
- You can obtain statistics such as what numbers called in, how many missed calls, how long are calls taking to be answered etc.
- Because an NGN is not associated with an area the caller will not know where you are located. NGN’s suggest a national presence.