Full Support Sole Trader
Protects your company name at Companies House
What's included
- Accountancy Service Consultation (?)
- HMRC Sole Trader Registration (?)
- Filing Notifications (?)
- In-depth guide to operating as a sole trader (?)
- VAT and Payroll services for an additional charge
- UTR Number (?)
- Business Plan Template (?)
- 10 Steps to Start Up Success Ebook (?)
- Credit Manager (?)
- Monthly tax updates that keep you legally compliant and ensure you get more of your earnings (?)
- Upgrade to full LTD company any time (fee required) (?)
- We'll register your name with Companies House (?)
- Protect your name so others can’t register it as an LTD Company
- Free Domain Name Registration & Hosting (?)
Also included:
Industry Insights Guide
An in-depth guide on how to build your business.