Sandwich-board on, megaphone in hand and everybody looking as you stand conspicuously in the middle of a busy street; there surely must be better ways to inexpensively shout about your business? Viable marketing opportunities are all around and you might be surprised to find that each day you could be missing a chance to advertise yourself for free, or minimal cost, without looking like an idiot! Every single thing you do must be considered as a potential opportunity to promote your services and here are just a few you might not have considered:
1) If you already have customers then you no doubt send out invoices on completion of jobs? Don’t waste the opportunity this gives! Pop a flyer in announcing a new product or discount on a service. This is sure to catch the attention of someone or inspire a client to use you again. It really is important to remember that even existing customers fall into a rut, they get used to you supplying a certain service and they either don’t remember, or don’t realise, that you have other things to offer. For instance, if you are a designer remind your clients that you can design a full sponsorship presentation for them. Play into their hands and think about the kinds of services they might need, but don’t realise they need. Put the possibility in front of them and suddenly, they will realise they do need it!
2) Sign all of your emails using a signature. Don’t waste this valuable opportunity to tag your website address, brief description of what you do and what’s new on your site, along with regular contact details. You might just find someone at a loose end when your email comes in who may use this spare time to have a casual peruse of your updated site.
3) If you run a shop or a retail facility of some sort you are passing out receipts every single day on boring pieces of plain paper. Add an advertisement on the underside. It could be a special voucher for ‘buy one sandwich, get one free’ or a new website address. Don’t let this space go to waste after all, you are paying for till rolls anyway.
4) Be creative! You could think about getting some stickers made up with your details on. Make them fun and bright and stick them to every envelope or piece of paperwork that you send out. It might just catch someone’s eye and lead to some new business.
5) Send Christmas cards to existing customers. This shows that you appreciate the business they do with you and ensures that you and your services will continue to pop into their mind. Plus, everyone loves the personal touch.
6) Always send out an up-to-date catalogue or order form with absolutely anything that leaves your office. You would be surprised at the number of catalogues that go walkabout in offices, but by constantly keeping people supplied, you will always be at their fingertips when they need to call upon you.
7) Don’t dismiss local press. Just getting yourself into the paper, or better still into a business section which most local rags do have now, could send some clients your way. Firstly you are showing initiative and secondly you are securing yourself free exposure. If you get this far, take the opportunity to regularly update your contact with releases about new products or services.
8) Give current customers an incentive to get others interested. Offer them some free work or product if they refer someone to you.
Marketing yourself and letting people know about what your company has to offer doesn’t always mean big expensive advertising campaigns. There are plenty of other less expensive avenues for you to consider and some of them are much easier to implement than you may realise. Remember, every little helps when it comes to business.