Dagenham, Essex

2012 Annual Business Confidence Report


  • 2012 was a record year for company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any year in history.
  • The second half of 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous second half year.
  • The second half of 2012 was a record second half year for company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any half year in history.
  • Q4 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.
  • December 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous December.
  • November 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous November.
  • October 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous October.
  • Q4 2012 saw a new record in company closures in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.
  • October 2012 saw a new record in company closures in Dagenham when compared to any previous October.
  • 2012 was a record year for net growth in Dagenham when compared to any year in history.
  • The second half of 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous second half year.
  • The second half of 2012 was a record second half year for net growth in Dagenham when compared to any half year in history.
  • Q4 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.
  • December 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous December.
  • November 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous November.
  • 2012 was a record year for UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any year in history.
  • The second half of 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous second half year.
  • The second half of 2012 was a record second half year for UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any half year in history.
  • Q4 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.
  • December 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous December.
  • October 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous October.


  1. New Company Registrations
  2. Closed Companies (dissolved)
  3. Net Company Growth
  4. UK Company Share
  5. Director Age
  6. Director Gender
  7. Naming Trends
  8. SIC Data
  9. Recent Companies

New Company Registrations

  1. Annual Data (2012)

    2012 was a record year for company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any year in history.

    A total of 969 companies were formed in Dagenham in 2012. This total is 21.4% higher than in 2011 and compares favourably to the UK figure of a 8.6% growth compared to 452,870 the previous year.

    Record Year2012 (969)2012 (491,893)
    New Companies by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2012)

    The second half of 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous second half year.

    The second half of 2012 was a record second half year for company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any half year in history.

    In the second half of 2012 a total of 486 companies were formed in Dagenham. This figure is 26.6% higher than last year, which compares well to the UK wide figure of 6.5%.

    The highest total for a second half year in Dagenham occurred in 2012 when a total of 486 were formed.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)DagenhamUK
    % change26.6%6.5%
    Record Year2012 (486)2012 (238,743)
    New Companies by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2012)

    Q4 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.

    A total of 234 companies were registered in Dagenham during the fourth quarter of 2012 (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012).

    This figure is an increase of 25.1% versus the same period last year (Q4 2011). This figure compares well to the UK as a whole, which saw an increase of 9.4% against the same period last year.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012)DagenhamUK
    % change25.1%9.4%
    Record Year 2012 (234) 2012 (119,875)
    New Companies by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2012)

    December 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous December.

    November 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous November.

    October 2012 saw a new record in company registrations in Dagenham when compared to any previous October.

    New Companies by Month
    New companies in 2012907965
    New companies in 2011656755
    % change38.5%17.9%18.2%
    Record Year2012 (90)2012 (79)2012 (65)

Closed Companies (dissolved)

  1. Annual Data (2012)

    A total of 531 companies were dissolved in Dagenham in 2012. This total is 5.4% higher than in 2011 and compares favourably to the UK figure of 6.6% decrease compared to the previous year.

    Record Year2009 (673)2009 (533,787)
    Dissolved Companies by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2012)

    In the second half of 2012 a total of 267 companies were dissolved in Dagenham. This figure is 3.1% higher than last year, which compares badly to the UK wide change of -4.1%.

    The highest total for a second half year in Dagenham occurred in 2009 when a total of 288 were closed.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)DagenhamUK
    % change3.1%-4.1%
    Record Year2009 (288)2009 (244,543)
    Dissolved Companies by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2012)

    Q4 2012 saw a new record in company closures in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.

    A total of 138 companies were dissolved in Dagenham during the fourth quarter of 2012 (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012).

    This figure is an increase of 3.8% versus the same period last year (Q4 2011). This figure compares poorly to the UK as a whole, which saw a decrease of 12.4% against the same period last year.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012)DagenhamUK
    % change3.8%-12.4%
    Record Year 2012 (138) 2009 (85,139)
    Dissolved Companies by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2012)

    October 2012 saw a new record in company closures in Dagenham when compared to any previous October.

    Dissolved Companies by Month
    Closed companies in 2012673239
    Closed companies in 2011265453
    % change157.7%-40.7%-26%
    Record Year2012 (67)2010 (65)2011 (53)

Net Company Growth

  1. Annual Data (2012)

    2012 was a record year for net growth in Dagenham when compared to any year in history.

    A total of 438 companies were added to the company register for Dagenham in 2012. This number represents growth of 54.9% in the total number of active companies, which compares favourably to the UK figure of 43.8%.

    This number is 144 companies higher than the previous year.

    The highest net company growth figure ever seen in one year came in 2012 when the Dagenham company register grew by 438 companies.

    Record Year2012 (438)2003 (242,541)
    Net Growth by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2012)

    The second half of 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous second half year.

    The second half of 2012 was a record second half year for net growth in Dagenham when compared to any half year in history.

    In the second half of 2012 the company register for Dagenham increased by 219 companies.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)DagenhamUK
    Record Year2012 (219)2003 (117,772)
    Net Growth by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2012)

    Q4 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.

    Net company growth for Dagenham during the fourth quarter of 2012 (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012) was 96 companies.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012)DagenhamUK
    Record Year 2012 (96) 2003 (57,175)
    Net Growth by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2012)

    December 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous December.

    November 2012 saw a new record in net growth in Dagenham when compared to any previous November.

    Net Growth by Month
    Net growth in 2012234726
    Net growth in 201139132
    Record Year2008 (51)2012 (47)2012 (26)

UK Company Share

  1. Annual Data (2012)

    2012 was a record year for UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any year in history.

    In 2012 Dagenham formed 0.2% of all UK companies. This is no change on 2011 when Dagenham was responsible for 0.2% of all UK companies.

    Record Year (since 1960)2012 (0.2%)
    Company Share by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2012)

    The second half of 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous second half year.

    The second half of 2012 was a record second half year for UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any half year in history.

    In the second half of 2012 Dagenham formed 0.2% of all UK companies. This is the same as the 2011 figure of 0.2%.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)Dagenham
    Record Year (since 1960) 2012 (0.2%)
    Company Share by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2012)

    In the fourth quarter of 2012, Dagenham formed 0.2% of all UK companies.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012)Dagenham
    Record Year (since 1960) 2012 (0.2%)
    Company Share by Quarter

    Q4 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous Q4.

  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2012)

    December 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous December.

    October 2012 saw a new record in UK company share in Dagenham when compared to any previous October.

    Company Share by Month
    UK formation share in 20120.2%0.2%0.2%
    UK formation share in 20110.2%0.2%0.2%
    % change16.4%12.2%15.0%
    Record Year2012 (0.2%)1966 (0.2%)2012 (0.2%)

Director Age

  1. Annual Data (2012)

    The average age of a director in 2012 was 38.4.

    The percentage of directors under the age of 25 was 6.8% compared to the UK figure of 3.8%.

    The percentage of directors over the age of 65 was 0.6% compared to the UK figure of 4.1%.

    Director Age by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2012)

    The average age of a director in the second half of 2012 was 38.1.

    The percentage of directors under the age of 25 was 8.2% compared to the UK figure of 4.3%.

    The percentage of directors over the age of 65 was 0.9% compared to the UK figure of 4.0%.

    Director Age by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2012)

    The average age of a director in the fourth quarter of 2012 was 37.2.

    The percentage of directors under the age of 25 was 10.0% compared to the UK figure of 4.4%.

    The percentage of directors over the age of 65 was 0.5% compared to the UK figure of 3.9%.

    Director Age by Quarter

Director Gender

  1. Annual Data (2012)

    The record year for female directors in Dagenham was 1860 when 35.7% of all directors were female.

    The percentage of female directors in Dagenham in 2012 was 22.8%. The average for the UK during this time was 29.9%

    Director Gender by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2012)

    The record second half year for female directors in Dagenham was 1860 when 42.9% of all directors were female.

    27.2% of all director appointments in Dagenham in the second half of 2012 were female. This compares to a UK average of 25.5% for the same period.

    Director Gender by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2012)

    The record fourth quarter for female directors in Dagenham was in 1977 when 31.2% of all directors were female.

    29.2% of all director appointments in Dagenham in the fourth quarter of 2012 were female. This compares to a UK average of 25.3% for the same period.

    Director Gender by Quarter

Naming Trends

  1. Previous 12 months (Dec 2011-Dec 2012)


    wordpercentageuk worduk percentage

SIC Data

  1. Previous 36 months, excluding companies less than 12 months old

    sic codenumber of companiesuk companies
    None Supplied596236,139
    96090 - Other service activities not elsewhere classified6122,058
    82990 - Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified4252,427
    86900 - Other human health activities337,866
    62020 - Information technology consultancy activities2923,256
    70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management2530,396
    99999 - Dormant Company2140,648
    7487 - Other business activities2010,703
    43390 - Other building completion and finishing204,882
    47910 - Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet176,307
    94910 - Activities of religious organizations17696
    74990 - Non-trading company1713,808
    41202 - Construction of domestic buildings174,882
    49410 - Freight transport by road165,165
    80100 - Private security activities152,286
    41100 - Development of building projects157,980
    86101 - Hospital activities142,187
    62090 - Other information technology service activities1412,291
    85590 - Other education not elsewhere classified134,677
    47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets134,829

Recent Companies

  1. Randomly selected companies from this quarter

    08280247 BODYWORX ORTHOTICS LIMITED 05 Nov 2012
    08284733 BOJEE LIMITED 07 Nov 2012
    08288952 DCV TRANS LTD 12 Nov 2012
    08289584 BRAGLO LIMITED 12 Nov 2012
    08289988 DANAMCO CONSULTANTS LIMITED 12 Nov 2012
    08294900 LOLALAYO LIMITED 15 Nov 2012
    08296638 BECONTREE CAFE LIMITED 16 Nov 2012
    08297165 NM INTERIORS LTD 19 Nov 2012
    08302325 TIPPERS LIMITED 21 Nov 2012
    08311970 FALCON ACCIDENT CLAIMS LTD 29 Nov 2012
    08313802 BIG CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 30 Nov 2012
    08282058 JAIDEV GLOBAL LIMITED 06 Nov 2012
    08285734 J & J ELECTRICIANS LTD 08 Nov 2012
    08287048 BORU PROPERTIES LTD 08 Nov 2012
    08289070 TRAVEL TECHNOLOGY (UK) LIMITED 12 Nov 2012
    08294959 GIDON IT CONSULTING LTD 15 Nov 2012
    08297951 SNUG GLOBAL SERVICES LIMITED 19 Nov 2012
    08298218 SUCCESSFUL SERVICES SH LTD 19 Nov 2012
    08303798 WFC FRIED CHICKEN & PIZZA LTD 22 Nov 2012
    08305241 COSMY LIMITED 23 Nov 2012
    08279958 BCCA GLOBAL LTD 05 Nov 2012
    08290266 UBANI CARE LTD 12 Nov 2012
    08297850 CLOUD DIGITAL MEDIA LTD 19 Nov 2012
    08308071 LONDON TIANTIAN YUGANG LTD 26 Nov 2012