Rayleigh, Essex

2014 Annual Business Confidence Report


  • 2014 was a record year for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any year in history.
  • The second half of 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous second half year.
  • The second half of 2014 was a record second half year for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any half year in history.
  • Q4 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous Q4.
  • Q4 2014 was a record quarter for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any quarter in history.
  • December 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous December.
  • November 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous November.
  • November 2014 was a record month for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.
  • October 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous October.
  • October 2014 was a record month for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.
  • The second half of 2014 saw a new record in company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any previous second half year.
  • The second half of 2014 was a record second half year for company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any half year in history.
  • December 2014 saw a new record in company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any previous December.
  • November 2014 saw a new record in company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any previous November.
  • 2014 was a record year for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any year in history.
  • The second half of 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous second half year.
  • The second half of 2014 was a record second half year for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any half year in history.
  • December 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous December.
  • November 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous November.
  • November 2014 was a record month for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.
  • October 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous October.
  • October 2014 was a record month for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.


  1. New Company Registrations
  2. Closed Companies (dissolved)
  3. Net Company Growth
  4. UK Company Share
  5. Director Age
  6. Director Gender
  7. Naming Trends
  8. SIC Data
  9. Recent Companies

New Company Registrations

  1. Annual Data (2014)

    2014 was a record year for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any year in history.

    A total of 405 companies were formed in Rayleigh in 2014. This total is 54.6% higher than in 2013 and compares favourably to the UK figure of a 10.0% growth compared to 529,363 the previous year.

    Record Year2014 (405)2014 (582,051)
    New Companies by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2014)

    The second half of 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous second half year.

    The second half of 2014 was a record second half year for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any half year in history.

    In the second half of 2014 a total of 282 companies were formed in Rayleigh. This figure is 129.3% higher than last year, which compares well to the UK wide figure of 8.2%.

    The highest total for a second half year in Rayleigh occurred in 2014 when a total of 282 were formed.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)RayleighUK
    % change129.3%8.2%
    Record Year2014 (282)2014 (281,320)
    New Companies by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2014)

    Q4 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous Q4.

    Q4 2014 was a record quarter for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any quarter in history.

    A total of 191 companies were registered in Rayleigh during the fourth quarter of 2014 (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014).

    This figure is an increase of 274.5% versus the same period last year (Q4 2013). This figure compares well to the UK as a whole, which saw an increase of 8.4% against the same period last year.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014)RayleighUK
    % change274.5%8.4%
    Record Year 2014 (191) 2014 (137,906)
    New Companies by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2014)

    December 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous December.

    November 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous November.

    November 2014 was a record month for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.

    October 2014 saw a new record in company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any previous October.

    October 2014 was a record month for company registrations in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.

    New Companies by Month
    New companies in 2014597953
    New companies in 2013162015
    % change268.8%295.0%253.3%
    Record Year2014 (59)2014 (79)2014 (53)

Closed Companies (dissolved)

  1. Annual Data (2014)

    A total of 173 companies were dissolved in Rayleigh in 2014. This total is 0.6% lower than in 2013 and compares unfavourably to the UK figure of 10.8% growth compared to the previous year.

    Record Year2009 (183)2009 (533,789)
    Dissolved Companies by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2014)

    The second half of 2014 saw a new record in company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any previous second half year.

    The second half of 2014 was a record second half year for company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any half year in history.

    In the second half of 2014 a total of 108 companies were dissolved in Rayleigh. This figure is 42.1% higher than last year, which compares badly to the UK wide change of 7.7%.

    The highest total for a second half year in Rayleigh occurred in 2014 when a total of 108 were closed.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)RayleighUK
    % change42.1%7.7%
    Record Year2014 (108)2009 (244,544)
    Dissolved Companies by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2014)

    A total of 50 companies were dissolved in Rayleigh during the fourth quarter of 2014 (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014).

    This figure is an increase of 16.3% versus the same period last year (Q4 2013). This figure compares poorly to the UK as a whole, which saw a decrease of 2.0% against the same period last year.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014)RayleighUK
    % change16.3%-2.0%
    Record Year 2014 (50) 2013 (90,851)
    Dissolved Companies by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2014)

    December 2014 saw a new record in company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any previous December.

    November 2014 saw a new record in company closures in Rayleigh when compared to any previous November.

    Dissolved Companies by Month
    Closed companies in 2014141719
    Closed companies in 2013181213
    % change-22.2%41.7%46%
    Record Year2012 (18)2005 (17)2014 (19)

Net Company Growth

  1. Annual Data (2014)

    2014 was a record year for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any year in history.

    A total of 232 companies were added to the company register for Rayleigh in 2014. This number represents growth of 57.3% in the total number of active companies, which compares favourably to the UK figure of 36.8%.

    This number is 144 companies higher than the previous year.

    The highest net company growth figure ever seen in one year came in 2014 when the Rayleigh company register grew by 232 companies.

    Record Year2014 (232)2007 (237,353)
    Net Growth by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2014)

    The second half of 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous second half year.

    The second half of 2014 was a record second half year for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any half year in history.

    In the second half of 2014 the company register for Rayleigh increased by 174 companies.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)RayleighUK
    Record Year2014 (174)2003 (117,772)
    Net Growth by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2014)

    Net company growth for Rayleigh during the fourth quarter of 2014 (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014) was 141 companies.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014)RayleighUK
    Record Year 2014 (141) 2012 (49,848)
    Net Growth by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2014)

    December 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous December.

    November 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous November.

    November 2014 was a record month for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.

    October 2014 saw a new record in net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any previous October.

    October 2014 was a record month for net growth in Rayleigh when compared to any month in history.

    Net Growth by Month
    Net growth in 2014456234
    Net growth in 2013-282
    Record Year2014 (45)2014 (62)2014 (34)

UK Company Share

  1. Annual Data (2014)

    In 2014 Rayleigh formed 0.1% of all UK companies. This is an improvement on 2013 when Rayleigh was responsible for 0.0% of all UK companies.

    Record Year (since 1960)2014 (0.1%)
    Company Share by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2014)

    In the second half of 2014 Rayleigh formed 0.1% of all UK companies. This is more than the 2013 figure of 0.0%.

    Half Year (Jul-Dec)Rayleigh
    Record Year (since 1960) 2014 (0.1%)
    Company Share by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2014)

    In the fourth quarter of 2014, Rayleigh formed 0.1% of all UK companies.

    fourth quarter (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014)Rayleigh
    Record Year (since 1960) 2014 (0.1%)
    Company Share by Quarter
  4. Monthly Data (Oct, Nov & Dec 2014)

    Company Share by Month
    UK formation share in 20140.1%0.2%0.1%
    UK formation share in 20130.0%0.0%0.0%
    % change250.5%275.0%202.3%
    Record Year2014 (0.1%)2014 (0.2%)2014 (0.1%)

Director Age

  1. Annual Data (2014)

    The average age of a director in 2014 was 43.6.

    The percentage of directors under the age of 25 was 2.3% compared to the UK figure of 4.0%.

    The percentage of directors over the age of 65 was 3.7% compared to the UK figure of 4.0%.

    Director Age by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2014)

    The average age of a director in the second half of 2014 was 43.7.

    The percentage of directors under the age of 25 was 2.3% compared to the UK figure of 3.7%.

    The percentage of directors over the age of 65 was 3.8% compared to the UK figure of 4.5%.

    Director Age by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2014)

    The average age of a director in the fourth quarter of 2014 was 44.9.

    The percentage of directors under the age of 25 was 2.5% compared to the UK figure of 3.8%.

    The percentage of directors over the age of 65 was 4.5% compared to the UK figure of 4.5%.

    Director Age by Quarter

Director Gender

  1. Annual Data (2014)

    The record year for female directors in Rayleigh was 1992 when 43.9% of all directors were female.

    The percentage of female directors in Rayleigh in 2014 was 21.3%. The average for the UK during this time was 26.1%

    Director Gender by Year
  2. Half Year Data (Jul-Dec 2014)

    The record second half year for female directors in Rayleigh was 2005 when 39.4% of all directors were female.

    19.2% of all director appointments in Rayleigh in the second half of 2014 were female. This compares to a UK average of 26.1% for the same period.

    Director Gender by Half Year
  3. Quarterly Data (Q4 Oct-Dec 2014)

    The record fourth quarter for female directors in Rayleigh was in 2005 when 44.3% of all directors were female.

    14.9% of all director appointments in Rayleigh in the fourth quarter of 2014 were female. This compares to a UK average of 25.8% for the same period.

    Director Gender by Quarter

Naming Trends

  1. Previous 12 months (Dec 2013-Dec 2014)


    wordpercentageuk worduk percentage

SIC Data

  1. Previous 36 months, excluding companies less than 12 months old

    sic codenumber of companiesuk companies
    None Supplied91265,608
    70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management2842,290
    82990 - Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified2558,068
    49410 - Freight transport by road1610,842
    62020 - Information technology consultancy activities1630,178
    99999 - Dormant Company1648,509
    74990 - Non-trading company1513,984
    96090 - Other service activities not elsewhere classified1329,009
    74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified1219,049
    43999 - Other specialised construction activities not elsewhere classified98,761
    74100 - specialised design activities84,841
    96020 - Hairdressing and other beauty treatment86,742
    62012 - Business and domestic software development69,752
    43390 - Other building completion and finishing65,931
    70221 - Financial management63,608
    64209 - Activities of other holding companies not elsewhere classified53,776
    64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified56,083
    68310 - Real estate agencies53,719
    47910 - Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet510,107
    68320 - Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis56,010

Recent Companies

  1. Randomly selected companies from this quarter

    09336222 JHAY LIMITED 02 Dec 2014
    09339853 BAMFORD MECHANICAL LTD 03 Dec 2014
    09340295 NICK ELECTRICAL LTD 04 Dec 2014
    09340603 J D HOLLOWAY LTD 04 Dec 2014
    09341403 RICHARD KIDDLE LTD 04 Dec 2014
    09343179 JMM ELECTRICSERVICES LTD 05 Dec 2014
    09343288 CDGG LTD 05 Dec 2014
    09344193 SAM COX LTD 08 Dec 2014
    09344379 JS275 LTD 08 Dec 2014
    09346815 M DUST ELECTRICAL LTD 09 Dec 2014
    09346864 KEVIN ALDER LTD 09 Dec 2014
    09346866 R X ELECTRICS LTD 09 Dec 2014
    09348038 MRJ ORR HEATING AND PLUMBING LTD 09 Dec 2014
    09351186 C E C PLUMBING LTD 11 Dec 2014
    09351229 RAYMOND ABSOLON LTD 11 Dec 2014
    09351314 COOPER'S PLUMBING LTD 11 Dec 2014
    09357540 BUY BACK IT LTD 16 Dec 2014
    09359097 ROBERT MAHONY LTD 17 Dec 2014
    09359245 S BARTLEY ELECTRICAL LTD 17 Dec 2014
    09359380 M SMALL LTD 17 Dec 2014
    09359930 EMANUEL MIREUTA LTD 18 Dec 2014
    09360738 L B D DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 18 Dec 2014
    09361298 DONWAL CONSTRUCTION LTD 18 Dec 2014
    09361433 DARTFORD SITE SERVICES LTD 18 Dec 2014


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